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Festa da Filloa de Lestedo 2024
Festa da Filloa de Lestedo 2024


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The Filloa de Lestedo Festival is a gastronomic initiative to promote this traditional Galician dessert that is characteristic of Carnival time. Tastings, cooking shows, music, Generals of the Ulla, and filloa-making machines make up the programme of activities of this event that has been renowned as Festival of National Tourist Interest since 2024, which has been held for the 42nd time this year.


Dating from Roman times, the Filloa de Lestedo is made with wheat flour, eggs, water, and salt. With this basis, we obtain a delicious dish that can be used as a base for a wide ranging of versions, from traditional to modern. A product with high gastronomic value.


Dating from Roman times, the Filloa de Lestedo is made with wheat flour, eggs, water, and salt. With this basis, we obtain a delicious dish that can be used as a base for a wide ranging of versions, from traditional to modern. A product with high gastronomic value.

Opening Speech

The director of the programme ‘Galicia por diante Fin de Semana’ on Radio Galega, Isabel Pichel, will deliver the opening speech of the 42nd edition of the Filloa de Lestedo Festival. An excellent connoisseur of our product, she will be in charge of extolling it at the official opening of our event.


The director of the programme ‘Galicia por diante Fin de Semana’ on Radio Galega, Isabel Pichel, will deliver the opening speech of the 42nd edition of the Filloa de Lestedo Festival. An excellent connoisseur of our product, she will be in charge of extolling it at the official opening of our event.


Gastronomic Days of the Filloa de Lestedo at the El Corte Inglés

Inauguration of the four-day event (February 28, March 1, 3, and 4) during which free tastings of Filloas de Lestedo will be offered to customers at the El Corte Inglés restaurant in Santiago de Compostela.

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12 PM. Presentation of the Gastronomic Days of the Filloa de Lestedo at El Corte Inglés in Santiago

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From 1 to 4.30 PM. Free tasting of Filloas de Lestedo for customers at the El Corte Inglés restaurant

Gastronomic Days of the Filloa de Lestedo at El Corte Inglés

Day of free tastings of Filloas de Lestedo for customers at the El Corte Inglés restaurant in Santiago de Compostela.

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From 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM. Free tasting of Filloas de Lestedo for customers at the El Corte Inglés restaurant

Filloíña Festival

A day of various activities for boys and girls at the Campo de la Fiesta (fairground) of Lestedo.

sabado 18-1
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4.30 PM. Performance by the musical groups Os Campiños de Sarandón, As Travesas de Codeso, Pena Maior de Marrozos, and Lucerniñas and Solleirada, from Mestre Manuel Gacio Cultural Association

Sábado 18-2
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6.00 PM. Childrens’ opening speech

With the collaboration of the students from CPI de Vedra.

sabado 18-3
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6.15 PM. “Atranques” by little Generals of the Ulla

sabado 18-5
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7.00 PM. Costume contest (upt to 16 years old) 

Contest prizes:

  • Group category: 1st prize, 200 € and 2nd prize, 150 €
  • Pair category: 1st prize, 100 € and 2nd prize, 50 €
  • Categoría individual: 1st prize, 100 € and 2nd prize, 50 €
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8.30 PM. Concert by Uxía Lambona e a Banda Molona

Filloa Cooking

Gastronomic activities program with showcookings and workshops at the Lestedo Social Hall

12 PM. “Orixes Galegas” Showcooking, starring chef Alberto Lareo, from Maina Restaurant. (Collaborates: Celtagal Porco Celta and CMF Celta Porc)

Gastronomic Days of the Filloa de Lestedo at El Corte Inglés

Day of free tastings of Filloas de Lestedo for customers at the El Corte Inglés restaurant in Santiago de Compostela.

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From 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM. Free tasting of Filloas de Lestedo for customers at the El Corte Inglés restaurant

Filloa Cooking

Gastronomic activities program with showcookings and workshops at the Lestedo Social Hall


7 PM. Showcooking of Cocido de Lalín with chef Álex Iglesias (Cabanas Restaurant)

Gastronomic Days of the Filloa de Lestedo at El Corte Inglés

Day of free tastings of Filloas de Lestedo for customers at the El Corte Inglés restaurant in Santiago de Compostela

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From 1 to 4.30 PM. Free tasting of Filloas de Lestedo for customers at the El Corte Inglés restaurant

Filloa Cooking

Gastronomic activities program with showcookings and workshops at the Lestedo Social Hall

Escola Filloeira 1
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5.00 PM. Escola Filloeira. Workshop on making Filloas de Lestedo led by chef José Manuel Mallón, for children and teenagers up to 16 years old

Filloa Cooking

Gastronomic activities program with showcookings and workshops at the Lestedo Social Hall

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11.00 AM. Filloa Accesible. Showcooking by chef José Manuel Mallón for members of the Association for the Training and Employment of Young People with Disabilities (In collaboration with Afexdi Santiago)

Roberto Filgueiras 2
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7.00 PM. Lestedo Gluten Free. Showcooking by chefs Roberto Filgueiras (Restaurante O Balado) and José Manuel Mallón (In collaboration with ACEGA)

Filloa Folk Festival

Festival featuring performances by traditional groups and renowned artists in Lestedo’s Campo de la Fiesta (fairground). There will be sales stands of Filloas de Lestedo.

domingo 26-1
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6.00 PM. Parranda by AC Mestre Manuel Gacio

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7.30 PM. Performance by Luz de Ilicinio

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8.30 PM. Performance by Os Melidaos

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10.00 PM. Performance by Ailá

Lestedo Filloa Festival's Main Day

The Campo da Festa (fairground) will be the venue of the 42nd Lestedo Filloa Festival’s main day with numerous activities, as well as the tasting and sale of Lestedo Filloas with or without a filling.

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08.00 AM. Lighting of “Filloeiras” (filloa-making machines)

domingo 26-1
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11.00 AM. Performance by musical groups belonging to the Mestre Manuel Gacio Cultural Association

domingo 26-3
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12.00 PM. 8th Great Inter-municipal Parade of the Generals of the Ulla along Lestedo’s main street as far as the Campo da Festa (fairground)

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1.00 PM. Official opening of the festival, presented by the actress María Mera. Opening speech by Isabel Pichel, responsible for ‘Galicia por Diante Fin de Semana’ magazine in Radio Galega, and neighbour of Pazos-Lestedo

domingo 26-5
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1.45 PM. “Atranque” of the Generals of the Ulla

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2.30 PM. Open-air dance featuring Grupo Ibiza

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From 2.30 PM. Filloa Stew (twinned with Lalín). Stew in the Lestedo pavilion, with prior reservation 

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6.00 PM. Performance by Grupo Origen and París de Noia orchestra

The 41st Festa da Filloa de Lestedo in figures

+ 45.000

participants in the different

+ 70.000

Lestedo Filloas savoured
on the main day of the festival

+ 1 M €

of expenditure in the town
and surroundings

+ 200

local residents involved
in orgnanising the event


The Carnival of the Generals of the Ulla also forms part of the Filloa de Lestedo Festival programme. This is a traditional Carnival, declared to be of Galician Tourist Interest, that takes place in 8 municipal districts in the provinces of A Coruña and Pontevedra. Every year, Lestedo becomes the epicentre of this event featuring a gathering of the Generals of the Ullas, which brought together more than fifty horse riders this year.


The event takes place in the parish of Lestedo, in the municipal district of Boqueixón, A Coruña, on the first Sunday of Lent. The programme lasts for two weeks and includes all types of cultural, gastronomic, and leisure events.


15881 Lestedo. Boqueixón (A Coruña)

Icono coordenadas

GPS Coordinates: 42.7141538, -8.3856263

17 minutes by car from Santiago de Compostela

23 minutes by car from Rosalía de Castro Airport

26 minutes by bus from Santiago's intermodal station


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