The Filloa de Lestedo Festival began in 1984 when a group of friends decided to extend the Carnival season until the Sunday after Shrove Tuesday, thereby promoting a product with deep roots in the area. Thanks to the constant involvement of the locals, this event has become an outstanding food event in Galicia’s festive calendar, becoming renowned even beyond the region’s border.
At first, the filloas were made in the traditional way, using so-called filloeiros. This is a kind of frying pan that is heated with gas and can make between 4 and 7 filloas at the same time. These utensils are combined with the traditional method of cooking filloas on a rectangular stone (called “a la piedra” in Galician).
More production with filloeira machines
Over time, more and more visitors wanted to come and savour Lestedo filloas. This made it necessary to increase the production of this singular Galician dessert, which is characteristic of the Carnival festival. In 2004, a filloeira machine was used for the first time. It is a singular artisanal device made up of a central electric motor that turns 40 filloeiros, which, in turn, cook 4 filloas each. In this way, up to 1,200 filloas per hour could be made without altering either the recipe or the traditional cooking method.
With attendance growing more and more, production increased with the introduction of a second filloeira machine, which is smaller than the first one. The latest incorporation took place at the 40th festival, when, thanks to a subsidy from A Coruña Provincial Council, the Filloa de Lestedo Cultural Association acquired its own filloeira machine. With a production capacity of up to 800 filloas per hour, it has a rectangular shape and is easier to use for those participating in making these desserts. A new device that can be used to demonstrate, in different venues, how this product is made.

Filloa de Lestedo Cultural Association
The current conception of the Filloa Festival could not be understood without the social involvement of the residents of Boqueixón, and most especially, without the Filloa de Lestedo Cultural Association.
Due to the growing interest in the festival and the increase in the number of visitors, in 2015 the association was established with the aim of organizing the entire program of the event and carrying out activities to promote and enhance the value of filloas throughout the year.
It is currently made up of 220 members, who seek to promote and stimulate the cultural, social, and civic action of the community by developing a popular and participatory culture; the organization of events, conferences, cultural and culinary courses; raise awareness, support, and promote Galician culture and tradition; enhance volunteering and develop and organize programs related to the Lestedo Filloa.
But in addition, the Filloa de Lestedo Cultural Association enjoys the collaboration of other social groups in the organisation of festivities, such as the Mestre Manuel Gacio Cultural Association, the Lestedo Rural Women’s Association, the Lestedo Neighbourhood Association, the Generals of Ulla group, the Galician Celiac Association or the Santiago de Compostela Deaf Association, among others.