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The Filloa de Lestedo traditional recipe has the following ingredients, which are enough for around 80 filloas:



First, you have to mix the water and flour and then let it stand for around 3 hours. After that, you must eliminate all the lumps with a blender before adding the eggs and salt. And that is the amoado (mixture) ready!

Then, you should grease the filloeiro or frying pan with bacon and pour on a small layer of the mixture. Let the amoado cook and, when it is ready, turn it over to cook the other side. A bit more cooking time and the Lestedo filloas are ready to be served!

Gluten-free Filloas

One of the novelties that was presented at the 40th Filloa de Lestedo Festival was a workshop to make this dessert without using gluten, in collaboration with GDR Terras de Compostela and the Galician Association of Celiacs. The session was imparted by the chef Manuel Mallón, with the participation of three filloeiras from Lestedo.

Several options made with 5 different types of flour, suitable for celiacs. This initiative was so successful that, on the festival’s main day, there was a special space for tasting and selling gluten-free filloas, made with buckwheat.

Here are the recipes for gluten-free Lestedo Filloas:  Flecha blanca

Here are the recipes for gluten-free Lestedo Filloas:

Filloas sin gluten
Gluten free filloa
Filloas sin gluten
filloas sin gluten
Flecha blanca
Filloa de harina de maiz

Filloa with cornflour

  • 100 g of cornflour
  • 25 g of cornstarch
  • 1 egg (60 g)
  • ½ litre of water
  • Salt
Filloa de trigo sarraceno

Filloa with buckwheat flour

  • 150 g of buckwheat flour
  • 2 eggs (120 g)
  • 850 ml of water
  • Salt
Filloa de harina de arroz

Filloa with rice flour

  • 100 g of rice flour
  • 1 egg (60 g)
  • 250 ml of water
  • Salt
Filloa de harina de garbanzo

Filloa with chickpea flour

  • 250 g of chickpea flour
  • 2 eggs (120 g)
  • 850 ml of water
  • Cumin, coriander, and fresh parsley
  • Salt

Filloa with chestnut flour

  • 100 g of chesnut flour
  • 1 egg (60 g)
  • 500 ml of water
  • Annis and bay leaf
  • Salt
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