Hundreds of girls and boys came yesterday to Lestedo’s Campo da Festa (fairground) to enjoy the Filloíña Festival, in an afternoon full of music, games, Ulla Generals, and a Children’s Costume Contest. With this day, the program of the 41st “Filloa” Festival was launched, which will celebrate its big day next Sunday, February 18.
The Filloíña Festival began with a session of traditional games for the families in attendance. This was followed by performances by different musical groups from the Mestre Manuel Gacio Cultural Association, followed by As Travesas de Codeso and Os Campiños de Sarandón. Young and old showed that there is plenty of local talent with performances that combined traditional Galician music and dance.

Then it was time for the official opening of the celebration, with the proclamation, which, on this occasion, was present by students of the 4th year of primary education at Boque’xón’s CPI Antonio Orza Couto School. The children highlighted the importance of the traditional Ulla Carnival, the delicious taste of the Lestedo “Filloas” (with their varied fillings) and encouraged the public to enjoy all the celebrations included in the program of this annual event.

Amid applause and cheers, the event continued with the six “atranques” by the Generalitos and Generalitas of the Ulla. Lila, Anxo, Yaiza, Aitor, Antía, Nico, Martina, Enzo, and Andrés made people laugh with some songs that satirized current issues and the rivalry between parishes, both in Boqueixón (Lestedo and Sergude) and in Vedra (Sarandón and San Xulián). But all the dialectical battles ended with the intention of making peace by eating some Lestedo “Filloas”, as well as cries of “hurray” for Filloíña Festival and for Boqueixón.

Nearly 50 costumes
As a snack, the organization offered a tasting of sweet “filloas” for boys and girls, which served as a prelude to the Children’s Costume Contest. There were about 50 costume proposals, both individual and group ones, submitted to this contest held in Lestedo’s Campo da Festa.

These colourful proposals were evaluated by a panel of judges made up of three women from the Lestedo Neighbourhood Association. Among the most valued aspects, which were decisive when naming the winning costumes, were the originality, the staging, and the craftsmanship required to make them.
The panel of judges acknowledged that “it was very difficult to reach a verdict,” since there was a high level among the costumes. Finally, the winners of the group section were Sargadelos Made in Boqueixón, who wona first prize in cash of €250, and Os Marcianos, who won €150 for second place. In the individual category, the winners were O Cosmonauta, which came in first (awarded with €100), and the original Camera Spekaer, with a second prize valued at €50. The organization expressed their satisfaction with the large participation in this contest and thanked those involved for enhancing the Filloíña Festival with originality and freshness.

And to close this full day of festivities, Lestedo’s Campo da Festa hosted a concert by Uxía Lambona and Banda Molona. The group made children and family members move their hips to the rhythm of their fun music, in a performance in which there was no shortage of hits such as Un soño é or Esto báilase así.