The Lestedo Filloa Festival will start its ‘Filloa Cooking’ programme on Sunday 2 March to great acclaim. In fact, two of the activities have already sold out.
The first one is the Showcooking ‘Orixes Galegas’, which will take place this Sunday in the Gastro Tent. At 12.00, the chef Alberto Lareo, from the Maina Restaurant, will lead a session in which he will present various dishes with Filloa de Lestedo as the main ingredient. For this, he will use products from Orixes Galegas (from Cmf Celtaporc and Celtagal), specialising in Celtic pork. These recipes will be combined with wines from the Castrobrey winery, which will be represented by Ramón Blanco, and with ice cream from Xearte Briggitte, about which Brígida Hermida will speak. A complete activity that already has fifty places reserved.
For its part, the first proposal that was sold out was the Filloeira School. Some thirty places have already been reserved for children up to the age of 16. In this case, it will be the chef José Manuel Mallón who will guide the participants in the art of making the authentic Filloas de Lestedo.
The ‘Filloa Cooking’ programme, which will run until Thursday 6 March, has the last places available for the showcooking of Lalín Stew, which will take place on Monday 3 March at 19.00 and will be run by chef Alex Iglesias, from Restaurante Cabanas. In the same way, there are still the last passes for the activity Lestedo sin gluten, which is organised in collaboration with ACEGA and which will feature the recipes of the chef Roberto Balado, from the Restaurant O Balado, and the chef José Manuel Mallón.
All the activities are free of charge, subject to prior registration on the forms on our website. Come and discover the gastronomic potential of the Filloa de Lestedo!